
The History Of Black Skincare

The History of Black Skincare

Black History Month is an annual observance in the United States and Canada that recognizes and celebrates the contributions and achievements of Black people. It takes place in February in the US and the month of February is officially designated as National African Canadian Heritage Month in Canada. The observance highlights the achievements and contributions…

Effortless Skincare Routine Essentials

  What is an essential skincare routine? We believe that skincare is skin health. Just as you would go to a spin class or drink a green smoothie, using skincare products that strengthen and protect your skin is essential to maintaining your overall health. That being said, not all skincare products are created equal. The…

3 ladies of fair,medium and dark skin tones holding LASPA Naturals Tinted Mineral Sunscreen SPF 20

Melanin Rich Skin & SPF

Melanin Rich Skin & SPF Only in recent times is attention being paid to doing research into skincare for the melanin rich skin. It is widely believed that the darker the skin, the less is the need for protection from the sun. What Determines Your Skin Colour? Melanin is the pigment that determines your skin…

round cotton pads in a tray

How Does Exfoliation Fit into Your Skincare Routine

How Does Exfoliation Fit Into Your Skincare Routine? Getting rid of the dirt and impurities from your skin on a daily basis is very important. Washing your face twice daily with a cleanser ensures your skin is clean. But your cleanser cannot clean deep into your pores or stimulate collagen production. So what should you…

girl holding a green leaf and a fall leaf

How to update your skincare routine for fall

How To Update Your Skincare Routine For Fall As the weather begins to cool, we exchange our summer blouses for cozy, warm sweaters and our sandals for snug boots. We expect the weather change to affect our wardrobe, outdoor activities, and even our hair colour, but what about our skincare routines? We know to treat…